Ezy Signin has partnered with ALPMA to help law firms across Australasia keep their staff and visitors safe, with a full-featured, no-contact, intuitive visitor management system.

New in 2021: Desk & Meeting Room Booking

Ezy Signin is launching a brand new feature in 2021, to let staff book desks and meeting rooms directly within your office check in system. Perfect for hot desking and those offices moving to a hybrid working model.

Re-open Your Office with Ezy Signin

Keep records of visitors, clients and employees coming and going from your office, with an easy to use, digital system.

Start with a COVID-Safe register. Then keep using it for the extra security, safety and peace of mind knowing who is on your office premises and why, at any time.

Great First Impressions

With Ezy Signin you can replace outdated paper-based visitor books or save your reception staff valuable time entering visitor details.

Check in and Check out is performed on an iPad and a mobile device. It's a modern, easy process that shows your visitors that you care about their experience at every interaction with you.

Self Check In / Check Out

Ezy Signin’s intuitive user interface allows for easy check in & check out by all visitors and employees.

Self Check In: Visitors use the Ezy Signin application or scan the QR code on arrival to check in. The host is notified by email or SMS that they have a visitor waiting for them. Accepting couriers and deliveries is just as easy.

Employees can also check in using the optional Employee Module. It can even integrate with your payroll system!

Self Check Out: At the end of their visit, the visitor can check out on their mobile device using the advanced SMS functionality of the Ezy Signin application without having to return to reception.

Instant Host Notification

One less thing for your reception staff to worry about! Ezy Signin can take care of notifying meeting hosts that their guest has arrived, by email or SMS.

Risk Management

Ezy Signin helps you record who is on your premises, where they are from, the reason they are here and who they are meeting with at any time of day.

  • Maintain a visitor register for COVID-19 contact tracing
  • Keep a paper trail of visitors and meeting attendance
  • Access an instant list of everyone on the premises in an emergency

Fast Setup, Faster Check In

Ezy Signin uses standard iPads or even a simple printed QR code! There's no investment in specialised hardware or need to train staff in complex software.

Your office can be using Ezy Signin in under an hour.
  1. Sign up online
  2. Complete your details
  3. Download the app or print the QR code
  4. Check in visitors!

Ezy Signin is affordable, for firms big and small

Specialised, enterprise visitor management systems can cost thousands per month.

With Ezy Signin's online-based app, now even the smallest firm can replace their old-fashioned or time consuming sign in process with an automated tool, meeting their risk management requirements with nothing but a regular printer and their smartphones.

Ezy Signin is only $792+GST per premises per year, with no limits on the number of visitors or employees.


Partner Offer Ezy Signin Contactless Check-In

Limited time offer for ALPMA Members only

Ezy Signin is offering ALPMA Members free, early access to the new Book Your Desk module when you sign up to Ezy Signin for 12 months by Friday, February 26.

12 months FREE access to the Book Your Desk module 30 day money back guarantee (no questions asked)

For questions about Ezy Signin or its suitability for your organisation, you're welcome to contact them directly on +613 8319 0976 or admin@ezysignin.com

Visit the Ezy Signin website for more information.