2024 ALPMA Summit, 11-13 September 🎆 View the program for Australasia's leading legal practice management conference →
Our purpose, structure and strategic plan
Our Purpose
ALPMA’s purpose is to encourage and promote legal practice management skills and education within professional services firms across Australasia for public benefit.
Vision: To be the leading voice in professional business management in Australasia
Mission: To create, empower and elevate professional business management leaders in Australasia
Our Structure
ALPMA is governed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of elected members from each Branch Committee as well as Board nominated representatives. The Executive team supports the Board to achieve the strategic plan and to support the Branches and Members.
Branch Committees operate in VIC/TAS, NSW/ACT, QLD/NT, South Australia, West Australia, and New Zealand who are charged with delivering topical and relevant local practice management seminars and networking events.
Building a Strong Association
ALPMA is committed to ensuring the highest standards of corporate governance. Our governance practices have been reviewed against the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) Governance Standards. Our Governance, Risk and Nominations Committee is committed to the continual review and improvement of our governance structure, practices and procedures. As a not-for-profit Association, our core objective is to encourage and promote legal practice management skills and education in Australasia for the public benefit.
Not for Profit
ALPMA is a registered Not-For-Profit organisation and strictly complies with all regulations of the ACNC.
ALPMA’s Constitution is our core governing document and provides the guidelines for our operations and our company structure. ALPMA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and by becoming a member of ALPMA, members agree to the terms within this Constitution.
Code of Conduct
All members and associates of the Australasian Legal Practice Management Association are required to comply with the Association’s Code of Professional Ethics and Conduct. All members and associates are expected to observe the highest standards of ethical behaviour both within their employer firms and the wider business community generally. This code will be the basis by which a member or an associates conduct may be reviewed.
Complaint Management
ALPMA takes seriously any complaint that is lodged. The matter will be investigated by the Complaints Officer according to the Complaint Management Policy.
Strategic Plan
ALPMA’s Strategic Plan provides a high level overview of our strategic objectives and core initiatives to achieve our vision and mission. The Strategic Plan is a standing agenda item at every board member and the directors and executive team work hard to ensure that the objectives are continuing to be achieved.
Annual Reports
whitepapers & member only resources.
Practical resources provided free for members, including: templates, checklists, articles, speaker presentations, additional links for members
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