Overcoming the Stress of Giving Feedback


14 March 2024
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm AEDT


1 hr

Lindley Craig

People & Culture
CPD1 - Professional Skills
1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingAUD $149
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Presented by

Lindley Craig, The Management Mentors

It’s that time of year again. It’s time for Performance Appraisals. For many of us, giving feedback to our team members is a necessity. Unfortunately, for a lot of us, we’re also not comfortable with it. It’s fine if the feedback is a glowing report of how great the person is doing.

But what happens when we need to correct something? The stress of giving feedback creates a sense of overwhelm. This can cause us to procrastinate the performance review, rush through it or sometimes, we simply avoid the conflict and hence don't give the required feedback at all and the problem behaviour continues.

It doesn’t have to be this way! It’s time to learn how to overcome the stress of giving feedback.

Join us in this 1 hour session where you'll learn:

  • The most common mistakes of giving feedback & how they cause stress
  • How what we do with our minds causes the stress we feel in Performance Appraisals & what to do instead
  • A simple technique to put yourself into a state of calm in just a few minutes
  • The keys to giving effective feedback

Who should attend:
* Managers, Supervisors, Team Leaders, Heads of Departments
* Senior Associates, Practice Group Heads, Partners

This seminar will be recorded and made available in our On Demand library after the live event.

Presented by

Lindley Craig
Head of Human Development & Coaching at The Management Mentors

I’ve worked with Executives from companies like Maersk, IBM, Shell Oil, Schneider Electric, HSBC and many more. What makes my coaching approach stand out is I teach a variety of mind-based skills that are enduring and can be used in multiple contexts, whether at work or at home.

One client, a Vice President of of HR, said, “Have been thinking about you frequently, been in a lot of conversations at work, at home, about teenage stuff etc. and they are guided by what you have taught and shown me and I remain full of gratitude!”

I’m a Neuro Linguistic Programming Trainer and I have advanced certificates in Depression & Anxiety. I’m also a trained facilitator & coach of the research-based HeartMath® Resilience Advantage program for individuals and corporations.

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