Learn to Listen


16 February 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm AEDT


1 hrs

Cathryn Urquhart

TopicPeople & Culture
CPD1 - Practice Management and Business Skills
1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingAUD $149
Full MemberFree
Online MemberFree
Associate MemberAUD $74.50

Proudly Supported By

Presented by

Cathryn Urquhart, The College of Law

Featured Partner

What’s going on when we are in auto-pilot and how does this affect our capacity to listen and understand? Great listening skills make for better interactions with colleagues, clients and other stakeholders.  Developing this undervalued and underutilised skill will contribute to more effective and persuasive communication skills.

Key takeaways:

  • Shifting from auto-pilot to aware
  • Mindful Listening: paying attention and how to do this
  • Engaged Listening: listening to understand and connect
  • Tips for more Mindful Conversations in the office

Presented by

Cathryn Urquhart
Facilitator & Lecturer at The College of Law

Professional Skills Trainer and Coach

Certified Teacher, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Course

Cathryn Urquhart studied Law at the University of Western Australia and was admitted in WA in 1988. She has had a diverse career working for national law firms mainly in Insurance and Construction litigation, as well as time spent as a Claims Solicitor at Law Mutual, the professional indemnity insurance section of the Law Society of WA. She has lectured and tutored at universities in WA.

Currently, Cathryn is the Facilitator of the Legal Practice Management Course at the College of Law in WA. She also has her own business and works for a range of law firms and other businesses as a Professional Skills Trainer and Coach.

Cathryn is also a Certified Teacher at the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute and delivers training in Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence to support leaders and others in the workplace: managing stress, improving focus, developing skills to assist in communication and collaboration, building empathy and compassion and high-level leadership skills.

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