Getting started with generative AI: From idea to implementation


21 November 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm AEDT


1 hr

Katherine Thomas

TopicTechnology & Knowledge
CPD1 - Practice Management and Business Skills
1 - New Zealand CPD

PricingAUD $149
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Associate MemberAUD $74.50
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Presented by

Katherine Thomas, CIE Legal

As the legal industry continues to evolve, small and medium-sized law firms are increasingly seeking innovative ways to remain competitive.

Generative AI appears to offer huge potential for service development and efficiency gains, yet where does a knowledge and resource constrained law firm start on its AI journey?

In this session, Katherine Thomas will demystify Generative AI. She will provide practical insights, real life case studies, frameworks and tips for firms looking to start their AI journey.

Managing partners and practicemanagers will leave empowered to deploy Generative AI in their firm quickly, safely, with minimal risk and maximum benefit.

Katherine will step you through the GenAI journey
From IG to GPT
From laggard to leader
From fear to fortitude
From idea to implementation
From closed to curious

Target Audience:
Small and medium-sized law firms.

Who should attend:
• Managing Partners
• Practice Managers, General Managers
• Legal and Professional staff with an interest in Generative AI

This seminar will be recorded and made available in our On Demand library after the live event.

Presented by

Katherine Thomas
Head of Growth and Strategy at CIE Legal

Creative, collaborative and connected, Katherine’s skills are ideally suited to her role as our Head of Growth and Strategy. Her focus is on helping the firm grow, from sales and business development, to process improvement and generating efficiencies through new technology. Working with the partners, she sets the firm’s business strategy and working with our Managing Partner, she leads its implementation.

Katherine is a recognised expert in the business of law. With over 25 years under her belt, she has worked at international firms in the UK, run her own consultancy in Australia, worked on innovation projects across the globe, undertaken speaking, lecturing and facilitation engagements and contributed to a number of publications on business growth, NewLaw and law firm profitability. She has been named by AsiaLawPortal as ‘One of 30 Women Legal Innovators to Follow’.

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